If you’re an experienced game guide writer, we’d love to hear from you! At GameGrinds, we’re looking for writers to create guides for Roblox and Minecraft. If you’re passionate about these games and want to get paid to write guides, we’d love to have you on board!
We’re mainly looking for writers to create guides for EVERGREEN and UPCOMING topics. Once we have a strong foothold within a particular game, we can go back and write more comprehensive guides for older topics.
If this sounds like you, please don’t hesitate to apply!
The games we cover or would like to cover
- Roblox
- Minecraft
If you think you know of a topic that’s being overlooked that deserves more attention, feel free to pitch us on it.
We want to cover as many useful topics as we can, as well as help games that don’t yet have excellent content creators. We’re always looking for new and interesting topics to cover.
How much do we pay per article?
- We pay between 18 and 25 USD per article, depending on the length, quality, and relevance.
Game guide writer’s requirements:
- A minimum age requirement is 18.
- You need to be able to accept payments via Paypal.
- You must have prior experience writing game guides professionally.
Applications are evaluated based on their accuracy and lack of spelling or grammar mistakes. Writing experience is a significant bonus and will be considered when choosing who to work with, especially in the gaming industry.
Response Time
Depending on how many replies we receive, it can take a few weeks before you hear back. Sadly, if you don’t hear back from us within two weeks, we probably aren’t interested.
If you want to inquire further about the reasons you might not have been approved, you can do so using our contact us form.