Shindo Life, formerly known as Shinobi Life 2, is a free-roam role-playing game on Roblox where you explore many worlds and unlock various abilities.
You can fight and test your strength in the Arena using various characters with different skill sets. Dominate other players by using these Shinobi Life 2 codes to get free spins to your advantage.

The game was made by RELL and was formerly named Shinobi Life 2 until it was deleted due to copyright claims from the copyright holders of Naruto. The game was named “Shindo,” which is a shortened name of the previous game.
There are a lot of game modes available in this game. If you want to have a lot of abilities and bloodlines by using spins, then it is highly recommended to use this Shindo Life or Shinobi Life 2 Codes.
Other Roblox Game Codes you might want to check
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- Sonic Speed Simulator Codes – Free Chao and Gifts
- Magnet Simulator Codes – Free Tokens and Cash
Shindo Life Codes List
Active Codes
These codes are redeemable:
- RELLbeatdownBL!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- RELLoraBLOODoraLine!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- RELLORAORAORA!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (New)
- BL0DLINEofRELL! – RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Racest! – RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Raycest! – RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLkayg33! – RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeManCan!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeSamaLam4!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeSanLan!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- CodeTanW4nPan!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- edocoNLOL!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- NoCodeBackwards!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayDangone!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayNaygan!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RaySmolman!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RayWHO0!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLBLinesLOL!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RELLbloodmanline2!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins (Works on 211.1 servers)
- Rykandonoman!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykanf4ns!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykanfanbanz!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- RykanLandz!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- Rykansanm4n!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
Expired Codes
These codes are no longer working:
- 20kcoldRC!—Redeem for 20k RELL Coins
- RELLtuffm0ns!—Redeem for 10k RELL Coins and Spins
- borunarudog!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- boruvkama!—Redeem for 50k RELL Coins and Spins
- g00dboiman!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Bonus Spins
- makivsmaki!—Redeem for Bonus Spins
- PuppetM0ns!—Redeem for 70k RELL Coins
- IndraAkumon!—Redeem for 47,928 RELL Coins
- IndraAkum0n!—Redeem for 10k RELL Coins and Spins
- bicmanRELLm0n!—Redeem for 50k RELL Coins
- FizzAlphi!—Redeem for Spins and 10k RELL Coins
- 2ndYearSL2hyp3!—Redeem for 60k RELL Coins
- 2ndYearSL2hype!—Redeem for 500 Spins and 100k RELL Coins
- bigmanRELLman!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- 6hindoi5lif35!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- Alph1RELL!—Redeem for 10k RELL Coins
- AprreciateDeLittletings!—Redeem for 30 Spins and 3k RELL Coins
- MinakazeTentaci0n!—Redeem for 50k RELL coins
- rayK3r3d4!—Redeem for 100 Spins and 10k RELL coins
- b4tmonBigm4n!—Redeem for Spins
- ss5Shindo55!—Redeem for 5k RELL Coins
- theRELLhasR3turn3d!—Redeem for 4k RELL Coins
- R3LLhardW0rkd!—Redeem for 3k RELL Coins
- shindorengo!—Redeem for Spins
- RELLhardWorkmyGuy!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- Gr1nDinH4rd!—Redeem for 3k Rell Coins and Spins
- k1nGhasR3turned!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- RamenGuyShindai!—Redeem for 30k RC
- RamenShindai!—Redeem for 99 Spins
- ShoyuBoyu!—Use for RELL Coins and Spins
- verryHungry!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- muyHungerb0i!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- Ragnat!—Redeem for 100k RELL Coins and 500 Spins
- Ragnarr!—Redeem for 100k RELL Coins and 500 Spins
- Ragnaarr!—Redeem for 100k RELL Coins and 500 Spins
- rahwomen!—Redeem for free spins!
- onlyTeemWeelTeel!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- Shindotwo2!—Redeem for 25 Spins and 2,500 RELL Coins
- ShinobiKenobi!—Redeem for RELL Coins
- fansAppreciatioN!—Redeem for 15k RELL Coins
- c0434dE!—Redeem for RELL Coins
- ShinobiLife3!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- RyujiMomesHot!—Redeem for Spins
- RELLYrellcoins!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- onehunnet!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- ccH0w!—Redeem for 10k RELL Coins and Spins
- zangAkma!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- BoruShiki!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- BoruGaiden!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- CCwh3Re!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- ZangetsuWu!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- ZanAkumaNs!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- RELL123SeA!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- ccWeaR!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- HeyBudniceCode!—Redeem for Spins
- BruceKenny!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- KennyBruce!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- RuneKoncho!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- VeryStrange!—Redeem for RELL Coins and Spins
- BeastTitan3!—Redeem for Coins and Spins
- GenThreeYesson!—Redeem for Coins and Spins
- PieceSeaLLeR!
- GenGen3Apol!—Redeem for Coins and Spins
- ApoLspirT!—Redeem for 200k RELL Coins
- Erenshiki!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- Johnsuki!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- farmsJins!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- SeaARELL!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- 0aCbeHUHwhat!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- J1nSHEEkeys!—Redeem for Spins
- Dr1vingYEAGER!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- j1NyErGAr!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- OACBlols!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- rellCoyn!—Redeem for 20K RELL Coins
- BiGGemups!—Redeem for Spins and 5K RELL Coins
- RELLseesBEEs!—Redeem for Spins and 2.5K RELL Coins
- Gen3When!—Redeem for Spins
- ShUpDoodE!—Redeem for Spins
- SoUwUndKen!—Redeem for Spins & RELL Coins
- k3Ns0uND!—Redeem for Spins & RELL Coins
- BigOleSOUND!—Redeem for Spins & RELL Coins
- BorumakE!—Redeem for Spins and RELL Coins
- VenGeanc3!—Redeem for RELL Coins
- VenGeance!—Redeem for Spins
- G00DHPg00dLife!—Redeem for 60 Spins & 6k RELL Coins
- SEnpieBenKai!—Redeem for 30 Spins and 3k RELL Coins
- renGOkuuu!—Redeem for free Spins
- rENgunK0!—Redeem for free Spins
- BigRenGokuMon!—Redeem for free Spins
- drMorbiusmon!—Redeem for 200 free spins
- TENgunK0!—Redeem for 60 free spins
- BigTenGokuMon!—Redeem for 30 free spins
- TenGOkuuu!—Redeem for 120 free spins
- akumaSinferno!—Redeem for 127 free spins and 12k Coins
- tomspidermon!—Redeem for 60 free spins and 6k Coins
- OlePonymon!—Redeem for 30 spins and 3k Coins
- niceTwiceEXpd!—Redeem for 2x XP
- penguins!—Redeem code for 60 Spins and 6000 Rell Coins
- Er3NYEaRgear!—Redeem code for 30 Spins and 3000 Rell Coins
- 58xp!—Redeem code for 5M XP
- MorMor!—Redeem code for lots of free Spins
- BusBius!—Redeem code for lots of free Spins
- MorbiTing!—Redeem code for lots of Coins
- TensaSengoku!—Redeem code for free Spins
- TenSen!—Redeem code for free Spins
- NewBeginnings!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- 2022isHERE!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- REELdivine!—Redeem for 5K RELL Coins
- moreechpee!—Redeem for 5M XP
- RELL2020Year!— Redeem for 15K Rell Coins and 100 Spins
- RELLsup!—Redeem for 100 Spins
- BeenSomeTimeBoi!—Redeem for 6 Million Ryo
- 2YrsDev!—Redeem for 100 Spins
- Spooderman!—Redeem for Stat Point Reset
- HappyNewYear!—Redeem for 100 Spins
- Shindo2022!—100 Spin + 10k RELL Coins
- AlphiramaAkuma!—Redeem for 150 Spins
- REELsantar!—Redeem for 500 Spins and 90k RC
- REELclaus!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- REELcookies!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- REELlicks!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- REELworked!—Redeem for 100 Spins and 10k RC
- AlphiramaShizen!—Redeem for 150 Spins
- UpdateIsHERE!—Redeem for 16,000 RELLCoins
- Subscribe2CaribBros!—Redeem for 15K RELL Coins
- FannyPacked!—Redeem for 40 Spins
- Cowabunging!—Redeem 5K RELLCoins
- DEEBLEexPE!—Redeem for 1 Hour x2 XP
- BIGmonLEEKS!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- Pray4Update!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- UpdateIsHERE!—Redeem for 20,000 RELLCoins
- de2001!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- de2002!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- de2003!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- de2004!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- de2005!—Redeem for 74 Spins
- bossMonRELL!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- bigjobMON!—Redeem for 30 Spins
- IeatChiken!—Redeem for 200 Spins
- ShindoBlickyHittingMilly!—Redeem for 150 Spins and 10K RELL Coins
- giftFOEdayZ!—Redeem for 5 Million EXP
- BankaiZenDokei!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- bigthickcodeMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins (NEW)
- J0eStar!—Redeem for 30 Spins (NEW)
- chillenBuildenMon!—Redeem for 30 Spins (NEW)
- howToSleepMon!—Redeem for 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- BankaiDokei!—Redeem for 25K RELL Coins and 250 Spins
- berryCoolMon!—Redeem for 30 Spins
- bigExperienceMon!—Redeem for 1 Hour Double EXP
- BigRELLmonCode!—Redeem for 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- checkmateMon!—Redeem for 30 Spins
- bigBeardMon!—Redeem for 5 Million EXP
- tingsMonTings!—Redeem for 1 Hour Double XP
- RunningfromDeMon!—Redeem for 200 spins
- deTingBigMon!—Redeem for 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- halfChikenMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- fellaDeRELLa!—Redeem for 30 Spins
- RELLniceCode!—Redeem for 7K RELL Coins and 70 Spins
- useDeBrainMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- CleanAnimsMON!—Redeem for 30 Spins
- 150kayRC!—Redeem for 150K RELL Coins
- FiredUpMon!—Redeem for 30 Spins
- PetdeDogMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- EpicGRAPHICS!—Redeem for 30K RELL Coins
- poopENhoopyEn!—Redeem for 2K RELL Coins and 25 Spins
- R3LLPATCHY!—Redeem for 5K RELL Coins and 50 Spins
- VerifiedTwitter!—Redeem for 75 Spins and 5K Coins
- FlippingWokMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- HardWokMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- LetDeMonWok!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- NewEFFECTS!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- ShindoGraphics!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- BETTERgraphics!—Redeem for 250 Spins
- BacktoWok!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- bigUPyup!—Redeem for a reward
- ShootingSTarS!—Redeem for a reward
- beDaSauceMon!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- biggerShOOs!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- chadSanGiGA!—Redeem for Double XP
- DaBoatWEELfloat!—Redeem for 5k RELLcoins
- chapEmUp!—Redeem for Spins
- TaiMister!—Redeem for Spins
- RELLpieceW!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- iLLoutWORKanyone!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- grindOFaGOD!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- ENERGYofAGOD!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- GOATofaBOATfloat!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- GEToutMYwayNOOB!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- BigShindoGuns!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- 25KR3LLCO1NZZ!—Redeem for 25,000 RELLcoins
- 1YearSL2!—Redeem for 500 Spins
- LoopyGomgom!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- 10MillEXP!—Redeem for rewards
- GOTTAkeepPUSHINGon!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- holdMYSELFtogether!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- losingLIFE!—Redeem for Spins
- ShinBenTen!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- ShinRen!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- GOTTAkeepGOING!—Redeem for free Spins
- KazeM1na!—Redeem for free Spins
- fightTHEweakness!—Redeem for free Spins
- Minakaze!—Redeem for 111 Spins
- PROVEemWRONG!—Redeem for free Spins
- SarachiaAkuma!—Redeem for 100 Spins
- work2HARD!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- aNewFEELing!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- ShindoStorm!—Redeem for free spins
- HaveDeFaith!—Redeem for free spins
- ItsOurTime!—Redeem for free spins
- AlwaysHungryYe!—Redeem for free spins
- NeedToUPmyself!—Redeem for free spins
- Kamaki!—Redeem for 50 Spins
- AcaiB0wla!—Redeem for 90 spins
- AlwaysLevelingUp!—Redeem for spins
- RELLpoo!—Redeem for spins
- FindDeGrind!—Redeem for 25 spins
- SL2isBack!—Redeem for spins
- BookOfHype!—Redeem for spins
- blick0ff!—Redeem for 100 spins
- Lickman!—Redeem for 90 spins
- wakeUpandSmelldeMoney!—Redeem for 25 spins
- ForgedEvent!—Redeem code for free spins
- HAHAHAHAwinBOIwin!—Redeem code for 25 spins
- sleepingOnurSucess!—Redeem code for 25 spins
- niceEXPdood!—Redeem code for Double EXP
- HotDogBigDog!—Redeem for 90 spins
- chaChingcha!—Redeem for 90 spins
- itALLaGrind!—Redeem for 25 spins
- 200SPEENS!—Redeem for 200 spins
- RELLcoin!—Redeem for 500 spins
- DeRELLCoin!—Redeem for 500 spins
- SkunkBruv!—Redeem for free spins
- EngLishGalFiona!—Redeem for free spins
- ReUSkunkedMate!—Redeem for free spins
- l00kaTM3Foo!—Redeem for free spins
- sockDropItFans!—Redeem for free spins
- SweeOnlyHands!—Redeem for free spins
- DeTINGZZZ!—Redeem for free spins
- BigManBadManTing!—Redeem for free spins
- TaknaP1zza!—Redeem for 90 Spins
- TingsYaknow!—Redeem for 25 Spins
- DeTingTingsTing!—Redeem code for free spins
- YaKnoDeVibezman!—Redeem code for free spins
- ThickUpz!—Redeem code for free spins
- sickNHealthy!—Redeem code for free spins
- shotyofaceFam!—Redeem code for free spins
- BigBattyBoi!—Redeem code for free spins
- dexp!—Redeem for a reward
- LeRELLrad!—Redeem for 25 spins
- movingUpWayUp!—Redeem for 25 spins
- bidnessfam!—Redeem for 25 spins
- CashBad!—Redeem for 25 spins
- CCsad!—Redeem for 25 spins
- 2Rad!—Redeem for 25 spins
- HatersMad!—Redeem code for 90 spins
- notinPersonal!—Redeem code for 25 spins
- ChekEt!—Redeem code for free spins
- PrideUpBruv!—Redeem code for free spins
- weDemBois!—Redeem code for free spins
- prayTaGod!—Redeem code for 25 Spins
- NothingStopYou!—Redeem code for free spins
- iAmLegendary!—Redeem code for free spins
- zucYamumFam!—Redeem code for a reward
- FarmerdeMan!—Redeem code for 90 spins
- GardenFarm!—Redeem code for free spins
- FarmingMeLawn!—Redeem code for free spins
- PostFarmloan!—Redeem code for free spins
- RELLswee200k!—Redeem code for 45 Spins
- MentallyFarmers!—Redeem code for 90 spins
- NindoShindo!—Redeem code for 45 spins
- n3vaN33dedhelp!—Redeem code for 90 spins
- Pl4y3rsUp!—Redeem code for 45 spins
- lostThemWHERE!—Redeem code for 2x XP
- rellEmberBias!—Redeem code for spins
- dangS0nWearU!—Redeem code for spins
- yaDUNkno!—Redeem code for spins
- playShind0!—Redeem code for spins
- WeRiseB3y0nd!—Redeem code for 90 spins
- ONLYwS!—Redeem code for 90 spins
- cryAboutEt!—Redeem for 45 spins
- Sk1LLWAP!—Redeem for 45 spins
- m0n3yUpFunnyUp!—Redeem for free spins
- HOLYMILLofLIKES!—Redeem code for 500 spins
- Sk1LLGaWP!—Redeem for 45 spins
- AnimeN0Alch3mist!—Redeem for 90 spins
- datF4tt!—Redeem for 45 spins
- inferi0r!—Redeem for free spins
- BahtMane!—Redeem for 100 Spins
- isR3v3n3g3!—Redeem for 90 free spins!
- LiGhTweighT!—Redeem code for free spins!
- M0utH!—Redeem code for a reward!
- BiccB0i!—Redeem code for free spins!
- SHINDO50!—Redeem code for free spins!
- expGifts!—Redeem code for 30 Minutes of 2x XP
- RabbitNoJutsu!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Underdog!—Redeem code for free spins!
- BaconBread!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Sou1b3ad!—Redeem code for free spins!
- R341G4M35!—Redeem code for free spins!
- GlitchesFixes!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Alchemist!—Redeem code for free spins!
- BigFatBunny!—Redeem code for free spins!
- EasterIsH3re!—Redeem code for free spins!
- EggHaunt!—Redeem code for free spins!
- AnimeNoAlchemist!—Redeem code for free spins!
- more3XP!—Redeem code for 2x XP
- RELLSm00th!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RELL2xExxP!—Redeem code for 2 hours of 2x XP
- RELLworld!—Redeem code for 200 spins!
- RELLw3Lcomes!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RELLgreatful!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RELLsh1Nd0!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Shindai2Nice!—Redeem code for free spins!
- LagFix!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RELLbigbrain!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RELLhOuSe!—Redeem code for free spins!
- ThanksRELLGames!—Redeem code for free spins!
- EndLess!—Redeem code for free spins!
- BigThingZnow!—Redeem code for free spins!
- SickestDr0pz!—Redeem code for free spins!
- OneMill!—Redeem code for 500 spins!
- TopDevRELL!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Smallgains!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Shad0rks!—Redeem code for free spins!
- ReLLm!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RemadeTailedSpirits!—Redeem code for free spins!
- YeagerMan!—Redeem code for free spins!
- EmberDub!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RiserAkuman!—Redeem code for free spins!
- m1ndTranzf3r!—Redeem code for free spins!
- zat5u!—Redeem code for free spins!
- SixP4thzSpirit!—Redeem code for free spins!
- VoneFix!—Redeem code for stat reset!
- blockNdoDge!—Redeem code for free spins!
- NiceEpic!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Kenichi!—Redeem code for free spins!
- SirYesS1r!—Redeem code for free spins!
- BugsCl4n!—Redeem code for free spins!
- silverfang!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Mashallah!—Redeem code for free spins!
- RELLspecsOut!—Redeem code for free spins!
- st4yw1th3m!—Redeem code for free spins!
- 5ucc355! -Redeem code for free spins!
- fiar3W0rkz!—Redeem code for free spins!
- gri11Burgars!—Redeem code for free spins!
- 1ceW0rks!—Redeem code for free spins!
- 2021N3wY3AR!—Redeem code for free spins!
- 4ndyd4ne!—Redeem code for free spins!
- Okaybreathair!—Redeem code for free spins!
- fourFOURfour!—Redeem code for free spins!
- k1llStr3ak!—Redeem code for free spins!
- m33ksm3llz!—Redeem code for free spins!
- r1cecrisp5!—Redeem code for free spins!
- 12D4yz0fh0tsauce!— Redeem code for free spins!
- anc1entp00p!—Redeem code for free spins!
- g1ftz0hgafts!—Redeem code for free spins!
- c4ndywh00ps!—Redeem code for free spins!
- B3LLaReR1ng1ng!—Redeem code for free spins!
- n0n0noooooo!—Redeem code for a STAT reset!
- PtS3!—Redeem code for a STAT reset!
How to Activate Shindo Life Codes

To redeem rewards from these codes in Shindo Life,
- Step 1: Go to the ‘Edit’ or place where you can customize your character.
- Step 2: After that, locate the YouTube code textbox at the top right side of the screen.
- Step 3: Enter one of the active codes above and it will give you your reward.
See video:
What is the Use of Spins in Shindo Life
Spins are used to obtain random elements and bloodlines for your character. These will determine the abilities that you can use in-game. You can get spins by using Robux or using these Shinobi Life 2 codes.
How to Use Spins in Shindo Life

To use your spins, go to the ‘Edit’ area and choose between element or bloodline. Press ‘Click to Spin’, and it will roll and give you a random element or bloodline.
Despite the change in name and the re-brand, Shindo Life has the same gameplay as its predecessor.
However, most of the content has since been re-imagined to prevent future copyright issues with the owners.
Using these Shindo Life codes or Shinobi Life 2 Codes will make your progress much smoother as it will give you a lot of chances to get the ability or bloodline that you want.
You’ll also get a chance to get rare bloodlines as every 80 spins will give you a full rarity spin.
See our Roblox Game Codes Compilation for more codes from your favorite Roblox games.