Is UFC 4 Cross-platform In 2023?

Can you duke it out MMA style with your friends on other platforms? Is UFC 4 cross-platform?

Bring the UFC to life and experience the thrill and action of mixed martial arts or MMA in the sequel to UFC 3. UFC 4 takes its predecessor’s gameplay and amps it up, giving it an extra kick. With more fighters, rings, and venues, better gameplay, and mechanics, UFC 4 is the best so far.

The game was released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, so a lot of players have been wondering if cross-play is available for multiplayer. Is UFC 4 cross-platform?

Cross-platform is slowly changing and revolutionizing gaming on consoles and basically any gaming platform. If you’re not familiar with this feature just yet, then you have to check out our article “What Is Cross-platform In Gaming?“.

With that out of the way, let’s take a closer look at UFC 4.

A Quick Intro to UFC 4

UFC 4 now comes you can either bang it out in your backyard or engulf yourself in the illustrious tradition of the Kumite. In addition, fight at Action Avenue and UFC Apex. These brand-new, immersive environments will influence your fighting style, whether street fighters or underground warriors influence you.

UFC 4 also comes with a brand new mode called Blitz Battles. In this action-packed and fast-paced mode, you battle other fighters online in a round-based, rapid-fire competition. The competition is heated, and the experience is constantly changing rulesets.

Is UFC 4 Cross-platform

Immerse yourself in the UFC life in Career Mode. Depending on the choices you make in the gym and in the Octagon, your fighter will develop and get better. Your fighter will start to become more skilled in the attack styles you employ more frequently based on your tendencies in training and combat.

In other words, throw more combos if you want to be a great striker, and hit the mat if you want to be a great wrestler. Coach Davis, our brand-new interactive coach character, will help you reach the top of the UFC.

UFC 4 was developed by Electronic Arts and was released initially on August 14, 2020. The game can be played on the following platforms:

  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One

With only two platforms available, can you do cross-play on both of them? Is UFC 4 cross-platform?

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Is UFC 4 Cross-platform In 2023?

Is UFC 4 Cross-platform

Sadly, the answer to that would be a no. UFC 4 is not a cross-platform game. This implies that if players aren’t using the same gaming console, they won’t be able to play together. Additionally, since the game has not yet been released for PC, PC users cannot play it either.

Is UFC 4 Cross-platform Between PS4 and Xbox One?

Unfortunately, no. UFC 4 doesn’t offer cross-play on the only two platforms it is available on. This means that players from the PS4 can only play with those on the PS4. The same goes for those on the Xbox One.

Instead of making UFC 4 available across all platforms, EA Vancouver, the game’s developer, is concentrating on making console exclusivity a priority. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to create fantastic games that are successful and bring in enough money to support more new endeavors.


More games are focusing on making their titles available on more platforms and offering cross-platform play. Sadly, UFC 4 is not one of them, as cross-platform features aren’t this game’s strong suit.

If you are also interested in other games, you can check out our cross-platform section to see if they offer cross-play. You also have the liberty of commenting down below the title you want us to cover next.

About Kimjun

Kimjun specializes in creating in-depth articles and carefully curating and testing game codes for the popular game Welcome to Bloxburg and Blox Fruits, providing readers with the latest insights and strategies for an improved gaming experience.

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