Fruit Feedback: Is Spirit Good For Grinding in Blox Fruits?

Is Spirit good for grinding in Blox Fruits? Find out now!

There are currently 39 fruits in the game and each of them has its pros and cons.

Is Spirit Good For Grinding in Blox Fruits

We all know how hard it is to decide on a fruit to use, especially when you don’t have permanents. 

Your Blox Fruit will be your primary source of damage and main grinding tool.

It takes a lot of time and grinding to level up your fruit’s Mastery and you also need to assign your stats properly so that you don’t end up with a useless build.

I don’t want you to waste your time and that’s why we’re going to review the grinding capabilities of the Spirit Fruit along with the strengths and weaknesses of this Mythical Blox Fruit. 

Related Article: Blox Fruits Tier List

Is Spirit Good For Grinding in Blox Fruits?

Spirit fruit blox fruits

The short answer is no. Spirit is not the best fruit for grinding. It’s not as terrible as Sand or Gravity, but it’s not the most ideal. 

The first reason is it has very high Mastery requirements. One of the highest amongst all Blox Fruits, to be honest.

It’s up there with the likes of Control and Dragon at 350 Mastery. In the early stages of the game, where you can’t get Mastery as fast, you won’t have any access to most of its abilities. 

So, if you are Level 800 or lower, I recommend you don’t eat the Spirit Fruit. 

Secondly, the spirits you summon are awesome for PvP, but they suck at taking down NPCs quickly and efficiently. 

Your spirits offer great support but they have very passive damage to NPCs, which means that grinding for levels would take very long.

Its moves are also pretty slow and have a long cooldown. Spirit was designed for players who want a balance of survivability and offense in long, drawn-out PvP battles. 

While all of its moves are AoE, the knockback is another issue that will slow you down in grinding.

If you’re looking for the best fruit for grinding on the First and Second seas, there’s nothing that can beat Buddha. 

Unless you’re in the Third Sea or at least level 1500, I recommend you stay away from Spirit.

Related Article: What is the Best Fighting Style for Buddha?

Is Spirit Good in Blox Fruits PvP?

Is Spirit good in Blox Fruits PvP?

Yes. While Spirit is not ideal for grinding in Blox Fruits, it’s a different story when it comes to PvP. 

First off, it has an awesome combo potential when you stack up on your spirits. One small mistake from your opponent and they will suffer major damage from your Red Spirits.

Your blue spirits act as support that will keep you alive, allowing you to outsustain the opponent while they are bombarded by your red spirits. 

Your spirit buddies can give you every support effect the game has to offer. From buffs like healing, and movement speed, to offensive prowess such as DoT, AoE, and knockback.

These buffs more than make up for the long cooldowns as it gives you more time to set up and plan in battle. 

The movement speed boost is always a nice addition and is perfect when paired with Heightened Senses (Ghoul Race V3 ability), as you are almost unmatched speed-wise, especially during nighttime.

If you’re against someone who knows what they’re doing, they’ll probably air camp to avoid your buddies. But here’s where your abilities come in: Spirit’s abilities are also powerful in mid-air battles.

All of them are AoE abilities, making them hard to dodge. You also have access to lots of stuns allowing for lethal combos. 

Overall, the Spirit Fruit is a super versatile and powerful fruit for PvP in Blox Fruits.

Spirit Fruit Blox Fruits Showcase

If you are planning to buy or trade for the Spirit Fruit, you should see what it actually looks like first. 

M1s: Buddies Summon

Your clicks summon your buddies. If the spirit bar is on the blue side, you will summon Heavenly Buddies, which give you buffs like movement speed boost or heal you. 

When the bar is on red, you will summon Hellish Buddies that attack the enemy.

Z: Frostfire Grasp

Your Z ability is what you have at Mastery 1. It utilizes your icy buddy as a mount and the user dashes toward the cursor’s direction. 

The effect also summons a giant block of ice that stuns what it hits and deals AoE damage.

X: Wrath of Ra

Your Z ability uses Ra or the fire buddy to attack the enemies. As Ra hits them, he turns into a pillar of fire that explodes and launches fiery balls in the area. 

It can also burn the opponents for some nice added damage over time.

C: Wrath of Shu

The user uses Shu the Ice buddy to dash into the opponent and they make an ice explosion that damages and freezes everyone they hit. 

It’s a great ability to take opponents by surprise and unleash a combo. 

V: End of Times

The ultimate attack of the Spirit Fruit that is only unlockable at Mastery Level 350. The user calls upon both the Ice and Fire Buddies to attack with two lethal beams at the same time. 

The beams combine on the target location and create a massive explosion that deals devastating damage.

F: Sky Ruler

Sky Ruler is your flight or travel ability. The user rides on one of his spirit buddies and flies through the air. 

It’s not the fastest flight ability, so don’t use it for pursuit or escape. 

Still, it’s useful for getting around and crossing the seas.

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To sum it all up, the Spirit is not good for grinding in Blox Fruits because of its long cooldowns, knockback, slow NPC kills, and extremely high mastery requirements. 

It’s decent at best and you are much better off using Buddha, but Spirit is one of the most powerful fruits for PvP. 

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About Kimjun

Kimjun specializes in creating in-depth articles and carefully curating and testing game codes for the popular game Welcome to Bloxburg and Blox Fruits, providing readers with the latest insights and strategies for an improved gaming experience.

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