If you are a fan of the anime Demon Slayer, then playing Demon Slayer RPG 2 on Roblox would be a good treat.
The game features exciting battles where you can grow and become powerful by learning new techniques, exploring the world, and beating tough opponents. The game also offers Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes that you can redeem for extra boosts and resets.
Demon Slayer RPG 2 is a Roblox game inspired by the aforementioned anime. In this game, you will either start as a Human or a Demon.
You can either slay these man-eating demons or destroy humanity for more power. You can do that by making your character learn new abilities and techniques.
Also see: Noob Army Tycoon Codes – Free Money and Research Points
Demon Slayer RPG 2 also features famous breathing styles from the original characters, such as Water, Sun, Fire, Moon, Thunder, and Beast Breathing.
If you need a leg-up with regards to breathing and race, then these Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes might help you along the way.
Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes List
Active Codes
These codes are redeemable:
- !SpeedBDABreathingReset – breathing reset
- !SpeedBDADemonArtReset – demon art reset
- !SpeedBDAEXPBoost – experience boost
- !SpeedBDANichirinColorReset – nichirin color reset
- !SpeedBDARaceReset – race reset
- !HairoBreathingReset – breathing reset
- !HairoDemonArtReset – demon art reset
- !HairoEXPBoost – experience boost
- !HairoNichirinColorReset – nichirin color reset
- !HairoRaceReset – race reset
- !May2023BreathingReset – breathing reset
- !May2023DemonArtReset – demon art reset
- !May2023EXPBoost – experience boost
- !May2023NichirinColorReset – nichirin color reset
- !May2023RaceReset – race reset
- !MarchEarlyBreathingReset – breathing reset
- !MarchEarlyDemonArtReset – demon art reset
- !MarchEarlyEXPBoost – experience boost
- !MarchEarlyNichirinColorReset – nichirin color reset
- !MarchEarlyRaceReset – race reset
- !RealSmallUpdateBreathingReset – breathing reset
- !RealSmallUpdateDemonArtReset – demon art reset
- !RealSmallUpdateEXPBoost – experience boost
- !RealSmallUpdateNichirinColorReset – nichirin color reset
- !RealSmallUpdateRaceReset – race reset
Expired Codes
These codes are no longer working:
- !StoneSoonBreathingReset
- !StoneSoonDemonArtReset
- !StoneSoonEXPBoost
- !StoneSoonNichirinColorReset
- !StoneSoonRaceReset
- !September2022BreathingReset
- !September2022DemonArtReset
- !September2022EXPBoost
- !September2022NichirinColorReset
- !September2022RaceReset
- !AugustBreathingReset
- !AugustDemonArtReset
- !AugustEXPBoost
- !AugustNichirinColorReset
- !AugustRaceReset
- !EpicBreathingReset
- !EpicDemonArtReset
- !EpicEXPBoost
- !EpicNichirinColorReset
- !EpicRaceReset
- !52kYTBreathingReset
- !52kYTDemonArtReset
- !52kYTEXPBoost
- !52kYTNichirinColorReset
- !52kYTRaceReset
- !SpideyFreeBreathingReset
- !SpideyFreeDemonArtReset
- !SpideyFreeEXPBoost
- !SpideyFreeNichirinColorReset
- !SpideyFreeRaceReset
- !April2022FreeBreathingReset
- !April2022FreeDemonArtReset
- !April2022FreeEXPBoost
- !April2022FreeNichirinColorReset
- !April2022FreeRaceReset
- !42kSubsBreathingReset
- !42kSubsDemonArtReset
- !42kSubEXPBoost
- !42kSubsNichirinColorReset
- !42kSubsRaceReset
- !300klikesBreathingReset
- !300klikesDemonArtReset
- !300klikesEXPBoost
- !300klikesNichirinColorReset
- !300klikesRaceReset
- !100milvisitsDemonArtReset
- !100milvisitsBreathingReset
- !100milvisitsEXPBoost
- !100milvisitsNichirinColorReset
- !100milvisitsRaceReset
- !32kSubsRaceReset
- !32kSubsDemonArtReset
- !32kSubsBreathingReset
- !32kSubsNichirinColorReset
- !32kSubsEXPBoost
- !25kSubsRaceReset
- !25kSubsDemonArtReset
- !25kSubsBreathingReset
- !25kSubsNichirinColorReset
- !25kSubsEXPBoost
- !6000kfavBreathingReset
- !600kfavDemonArtReset
- !600kfavEXPBoost
- !600kfavNichironColorReset
- !600kfavRaceReset
- !75milBreathingReset
- !75milDemonArtReset
- !75milEXPBoost
- !75milNichirinColorReset
- !75milRaceReset
- !OneYearAnniversaryRaceReset
- !OneYearAnniversaryBreathingReset
- !OneYearAnniversaryDemonArtReset
- !OneYearAnniversaryEXPBoost
- !OneYearAnniversaryRaceReset
- !200kBreathingReset
- !200kRaceReset
- !200kNichirinColorReset
- !200kEXPBoost
- !200kDemonArtReset
- !50milNichirinColorReset
- !50milBreathingReset
- !50milDemonArtReset
- !50milRaceReset
- !10kRaceReset
- !10kDemonArtReset
- !10kBreathingReset
- !10kNichirinColorReset
- !10kEXPBoost
- !dsrpg2100k race reset
- !dsrpg2100k bda reset
- !dsrpg2100k breathing reset
- !dsrpg2100k expboost
- !dsrpg2100k nichirincolor reset
- !SubToGoldenDynasty
- !SubToMichioX
- !StopAskingForCodes
- !Reached90Likes Breathing Reset
- !Reached90Likes Breathing Reset 2
- !Reached90Likes Art Reset
- !Reached90Likes Art Reset 2
- !Reached90Likes Race Reset
- !NateBirthdayArtBreathingReset
- !NateBirthdayNichirinRecolor
- !artresetjanuary
- !dsrpg2 race reset
- !dsrpg2 breathing/art reset
- !halloween free breathing/art reset
- !halloween free race switch
How to Activate Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes
Activating Demon Slayer RPG 2 Codes is quite different from other Roblox Games. To redeem these codes, you will just type the code that is working in the chatbox. After entering, the code will now work.
Remember that there will be times when a ‘[code] is not a valid command!’’ text will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. If this happens, you can just disregard it as the code will still work.
Make sure not to confuse yourself with Demon Slayer, Demon Slayer Online 2, and Demon Slayer RPG 2 as they are far different games from each other.
If you want these codes to work, then you should specifically enter it on the right game which is Demon Slayer RPG 2.
What are Resets in Demon Slayer RPG 2
Reset Codes allows you to reset your current Breathing or Demon Art so you can get a new one.
How to Play Demon Slayer RPG 2
The first thing you need to do is to install Roblox by going to their website and logging into your Roblox Account.
After that, go to Demon Slayer RPG 2. If you already have Roblox installed, then the game would automatically open.
If not, you will be asked to install it, and after that, you’ll be able to play the game.
More codes to check
- Slayers Unleashed Codes – Free Rerolls
- Demonfall Codes – Free Potions
- Sonic Speed Simulator Codes – Free Chao and Gifts
- Clicker Simulator Codes – Free Boosts and Auto Hatch
- Bee Swarm Simulator Codes – Free Items, Tickets, Boosts & Buffs
There are a lot of great battles that you’ll experience as you explore the world of Demon Slayer RPG 2.
For more codes like this, see our collection of Roblox Game Codes.
What is also good about this game as you won’t be starting as a default Demon Slayer because you can also choose to be a human or a demon.
What makes the game more exciting is the variety of breathing styles and demon arts that you can choose from.
Trying them all would be a very good idea; that’s why these Demon Slayer RPG 2 codes where you can get breathing and demon resets are a huge help.