Top 10 Best Guns in Blox Fruits, Ranked

Aside from Blox Fruits, fighting styles, and swords, another weapon you can master in the game is a gun

If you’re not a fan of close-quarter combat or ability spamming but prefer tactical marksmanship like the Great Captain Usopp in One Piece, then being a gun main might be your forte.

best guns in Blox Fruits

Guns have different ranges and reload speeds. They also come with unique abilities and even playstyles. 

Getting your hands on the right gun can significantly increase your PvP prowess. However, not all guns in the game are worth the try, especially if you want to thrive in the Third Sea.. 

That’s why I have compiled 10 of the best guns in Blox Fruits, so you won’t have to waste your time and money on useless ones.

10. Cannon

You can deal a decent amount of damage just by using Cannon’s M1s. It can also damage multiple enemies in one blow.

Yes, I find its reload time quite bothering, but it’s better than the guns that didn’t make it into this list. 

The cannon can be obtained in the first sea and is one of the three explosive guns in the game.

9. Refined Flintlock

This gun deals more damage than a regular flintlock. It can be found in the first sea and you can use it to stun your opponent for a while, giving you time to reload, prepare for your next move, or start your combos.  

It’s easy to obtain, pretty cheap and is one of the best guns you can pick up early on.

8. Musket

The musket is obtainable in Middle Town on the first sea. It possesses a stun and a tornado ability that throws an enemy into the sky. 

Even if it is a starter gun, the Musket is always ranked as a mid-tier gun in the community due to its control effects, making it a great combo starter.

7. Refined Musket

The refined version is surprisingly a really good gun. This gun reloads fairly quickly and the combo of Dragon Bullet and Bold Pistolero will allow you to knockback and knock up opponents.

Similar to the Musket, this gun can also be obtained in the first sea. 

I recommend you upgrade your Musket as soon as you can or just wait for this upgraded version.

6. Bazooka

One of the three explosive guns that is obtainable in the late stages of the First Sea. While it can deal solid damage with its M1s, Alpha Wave and Incendiary Ammo give you extra knockback and damage, and can break through Instinct. 

This is the strongest gun that you can get in the First Sea.

5. Bizarre Rifle

In terms of long-range attacks, this rifle is a must. Bizzare Rifle is known to launch the highest damage per second in the tier. 

The rifle reloads fast, making it a perfect gun for launching quick combos, creating damage that shoots to over 9000. 

Moreover, this gun is perfect if you suck at aiming as its Heat-seeking Shot changes direction to strike the opponent. You can find this rifle on the Second Sea.

4. Serpent Bow

The Serpent Bow is obtainable in the Third Sea and is the perfect gun if you want a high-damaging weapon with a low mastery level requirement

Its M1s are nothing to scoff at, and Poisonous Blast is hard to dodge and deals poison damage. Additionally, its Snake Bind can immobilize your opponents, allowing you to dish out more damage.. 

This gun is also one of the few guns you can use for grinding thanks to its low-cooldown M1s.

3. Kabucha

Now we’re at the big guns. The Kabucha from the Second Sea has the best M1s in the entire game. 

It offers great range and fast attacks, and all moves break Instinct. Intense Wind has a pretty good stun and superb knockback. 

The Kabucha is one of the best guns for grinding and bounty hunting.

2. Acidum Rifle

If you like to air camp, then this is the perfect gun for you. The Acidum Rifle offers wide-ranged attacks with decent range and corrosive damage. 

It has great combo potential and all moves break Instinct as well as the poison damage from the M1s.

1. Soul Guitar

The Soul Guitar is the best gun in Blox Fruits for a reason. It stands leagues above other guns in the game. 

Not only does it have a unique design, it also has a special gun ability that heals its user. 

Nothing beats the Soul Guitar in the damage department because of its AoE attacks, pushbacks, and multiple ticks. 

Check out our guide on how to get Soul Guitar in Blox Fruits and get your hands on the best gun in the game.


Are guns good in Blox fruits? 

While there are only a handful of gun mains in Blox Fruits, this doesn’t mean that guns are entirely useless. 

Guns like the Kabucha and Soul Guitar are staples of many builds.

While guns aren’t ideal primary sources of damage or weapons to build around, they are nice additions to your build and can increase your versatility.

Where to get a gun in Blox Fruits?

There are several ways for you to obtain guns. You can buy them with Belis or Fragments from Gun Dealers such as Weapon Dealer, Advance Weapon Dealer, El Rodolfo, The Strongest God, and the Weird Machine. 

However, if you don’t want to spend money to buy these guns, some bosses drop guns.

If you are up for some brain-wrecking experiences, you can also solve puzzles or complete a task in exchange for a gun.

What is the strongest gun in Blox Fruits?

Soul Guitar, the top gun on our list, is undeniably the strongest gun in Blox Fruits.

This explosive gun allows its user to use a destructive combo that can easily damage multiple enemies in an instant. 

The regen effect from its El Diablo move is unmatched. Plus, it has a unique and cool gun design. 

Also Read: 

Best Guns in Blox Fruits: Final Thoughts

So have you decided on what gun to equip?

With this tier list containing only the best guns in Blox Fruits, you won’t have to go through the disappointment and futile efforts of owning a useless gun like the Slingshot.

Did you find this article useful? Let us know in the comments section below! 

Also, consider reading more of our Roblox Blox Fruits articles here on GameGrinds.

About Kimjun

Kimjun specializes in creating in-depth articles and carefully curating and testing game codes for the popular game Welcome to Bloxburg and Blox Fruits, providing readers with the latest insights and strategies for an improved gaming experience.

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